Attention 2007 and Later Mini Cooper Owners!
If you have a Mini Cooper that is a 2007 model or newer: listen up. The motors in these automobiles have the designation N12 and N14 with the N14 being the turbo motor. These engines come equipped with oil level dip sticks. A lot of Mini Cooper owners do not realize that these motors use oil and that the level should be checked every other tank of fuel.
Oil Contamination
Especially with the longer oil drain intervals that these cars have, it is not hard to contaminate the oil with fuel and dirt from the crankcase ventilation system. This contamination can cause the oil to be burned at a faster rate, thus causing the loss of the volume of oil in the crankcase. When the oil level gets too low, the oil pump gets air in the intake tube, causing aerated oil to flow thru the motor.
The aerated oil does not function like oil without air. It will compress, so the timing chain tensioner does not push hard enough on the timing chain tensioner rail, which allows the chain to whip wildly up and down causing damage to the chain guide rails and sometimes causing the camshafts to jump timing. The air in the oil is not welcomed very well in the Vanos solenoids either. The air in the oil can lead and usually leads to a very costly repair to the motor.
What To Watch For and What To Do
You may have noticed a rattle sound when the motor is idling or starting. This could mean that there is air in the oil.
The answer is to never let the oil level get below the one quart level line on the oil dip stick; you should check this often. Change your oil more often, especially if the car does mostly short trips, under 5 miles per trip.
If you suspect that the problem has already gotten worse and you may be in need of an inspection or repair, please give us at Atlantic Autowerks Ltd. a call at 757-466-1269.